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Teague Public Library

Supporting Your Library

How to get involved!


The Teague Public Library has many volunteer opportunities throughout the year.  Different programs as well as the annual book sale require many volunteer hours and a

great deal of fun!!

Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Teague Public Library are a non-profit organization that works hand-in-hand with the library.

  The purpose of this organization is to encourage a closer relationship between the Teague Public Library and the community; to focus public attention on library services, facilities, and needs; to promote a greater realization of the importance of the library to the future development of the community; to raise funds to be used in the library for collection development, summer reading program, story-time, or any other projects deemed beneficial.

Any person, family, or organization interested in the stated purpose of the Friends of the Teague Public Library may become a member by paying annual dues as determined by the Friends organization.

Individual   $15.00
Family         $25.00