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Teague Public Library

Library Policies

The following policies govern how we use our library.

  • Use of Computers:

In support of its role as an independent learning center, the Teague Public Library provides computers for public use.  Computers permit citizens to improve skills and enhance self-learning into the ever changing world of technology.

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All users will be required to sign a user agreement for indicating that they understand the rules established for computer use and will comply with relevant copyright laws.  Staff will not provide extensive training on computer technology or software, but will be knowledgeable to answer questions regarding usage.  

  • Use of Internet:

As part of its mission to provide a broad range of information in a variety of formats, the Teague Public Library provides access to the internet.  Staff will conduct internet searches when warranted as part of the library’s reference and information services.  Computers are also available for patrons who wish to conduct their own searches.

The library is not responsible for information acquired from the internet.  The library cannot guarantee that information accessed on the internet is accurate.  If requested, staff will assist patrons in conducting searches and offer guidance on evaluating sources and verifying information.

Patrons will be required to sign the Computer Internet Policy before using computers.  Children under the age of 18 will require parent permission for internet use with the understanding that the library does not filter the computers.

Computer visitors (over 18) who wish to use the internet will need to show picture ID and sign the Teague Public Library Computer Internet Policy.

If the internet policy is violated the patron’s computer privileges will be revoked for any amount of time the library director deems appropriate.  

  • Behavior in the Library:

The Teague Public Library encourages people of all ages to visit the library.  Those using the library and its resources have the right to expect a safe, comfortable environment that supports appropriate library services.

 People demonstrating disruptive behavior will be required to leave the library after one warning from the library staff.  Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, noisy, boisterous actions; inappropriate behavior, including running, loud talking; misuse of library property; uncooperative attitude; or actions that deliberately annoy others or prevent the legitimate use of the library and its resources.  Abusive language and behavior toward staff will not be tolerated.

Cell phones should be turned off or on silent while in the library.  Calls should be taken outside the library building so not to disrupt others.

Children and young people are expected to adhere to the same standards of patron conduct expected of adults.  Young children are not safe when left unattended in the library.  Staff cannot know if children are leaving with a parent, a friend, or a stranger.  Library staff will not deliberately seek out unattended children; however; unattended children frequently become disruptive when they become bored.  Parents are responsible for ensuring the appropriate behavior of their children while in the library.

Older children who are disruptive will be asked to leave the library.  If the child cannot safely leave the library to return home on his or her own, staff will permit the child to call a parent.  If no parent can be contacted, library staff will allow the child to remain in the library under close supervision until a parent can be contacted.